Friday, September 14, 2012

Camera history and information

1. Inside a completely dark room, a tiny hole is created in one wall. Through the hole light is focused, and the outside scene is projected (upside down) on the opposite wall.

2. When Sir Issac Newton and Christian Huygens made lenses and optics.

3. A glass lens, a dark box and film.

4. A digital camera is still composed of a lens, a dark box, and film.

5. Replacing old-fashioned plastic film, digital cameras capture the images with an electronic sensor called a CCD.

6. Unlike full auto mode, you can usually control flash and a few other camera settings with the program mode.

7. To attempt to blur out the background, camera will try to use the fastest available lens setting (aperture).

8. To freeze motion, camera will use the highest shutter speed possible.

9. Faster camera response time, more control over focus, and encourages better composition.

10. Disabled flash. There's no flash.

11. Auto-flash. The flash is automatic.

12. Too much light and the picture will be washed out.

13. Not enough light and the picture will be too dark.

14. The term "stop" is used in every aspect of photography to represent a relative change in the brightness of light.

15. 1

16. 2

17. Longer shutter speeds = more light

18. Shorter shutter speeds = less light

19. Light.

20. Smaller F-stops numbers = larger openings. Larger openings = more light.

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